Science Learning Menu
Introducing – Dine in / Take Out – a Science Learning Menu! Dine in (join me for learning or with your team) Take Out (have it to go on your own time and schedule).
This module menu is meant to feed your science learning need and provide a way to connect your learning with others. I will post a menu every other week with resources, questions, and actions on the site. This menu will allow you choice! How you engage in the learning, what learning works best for you, resources at your fingertips, reflection questions, discussion prompts, and so much more. You can engage in this in so many ways: use this menu with your team during department meetings, connect with a colleague eager to learn, on your own, join me in office hours, or reach out to find a learning buddy.
Appetizer: the learning - resources at your fingertips
Main Course: reflect, discuss, plan - this is where the real work happens and thinking shifts.
Dessert: put it into action in your classroom - the sweet experience with your students
Many schools have added literacy to their MICIP learning goals, thinking about reading, writing, speaking, and listening in our science classrooms aligns with the SEPs and does not mean it has to look just like an ELA classroom. Think about disciplinary literacy in different ways. Take a look at the Disciplinary Literacy Essentials 6-12, and see how they connect with our Science and Engineering Practices. Deepen your practice with this learning – starting with writing and CER! (DLE #4 and SEP #8)
Need SCECHs for your learning? Submit the reflection sheet for the module, linked on the PDF. The learning will be archived on the site.
I would love your feedback! What topics are you hungry for? What is at the top of your team’s must try list?
Click the image to open the PDF.